Yungas Powdered Tea Matcha Style 100 grams



NovoAndina Product, A special selection of coca leaves, Truxillense and Novogratense, leaves only, no stems. Our oldest powdered tea.

Matcha Style refers to the fine grind without steams and has nothing to do with green tea. Sweet and highly numbing, it’s a favorite with those who have even purchasing for over a decade from us.



NovoAndina Product, A special selection of coca leaves, Truxillense and Novogratense, leaves only, no steams.

Matcha Style fine powder, great as an energy drink or coffee substitute.

Speeds up the metabolism, ideal for diets and energy.

This is the sweetest of the coca teas with a lemony touch typical of the Yungas region of Bolivia, starts mild but gets stronger and effects last longer, it can get brewed, boiled and cold-brewed.