
Immunity Tea With Coca 150 grams with Coca Leaves

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $33.00.

This bag of tea makes more than 75 cups of tea calculating 2 grams per cup

This is a very complex formulation, created to boost your immune system against bacteria and viruses, it does not cure or prevent anything, it is just good for your body and immunity and reduces several symptoms improving your metabolism. The ingredients have been carefully selected to optimize results and mixed in the ideal portions to offer a great taste, no bitterness and great reliability.


  • Astragalus
  • Cat’s Clay
  • Licorice root
  • Lemon Balm
  • Elderberry
  • Olive Leaf
  • Red Clover
  • Cilantro
  • Ascorbic Acid ( Vitamin C)
  • Chlorella
  • Pine Bark
  • Bilberry Leaf
  • Nettle Leaf
  • Echinacea
  • Parsley
  • Honey granules
  • GInger
  • Llujta leaves.


This bag of tea makes more than 75 cups of tea calculating 2 grams per cup

This is a very complex formulation, created to boost your immune system against bacteria and viruses, it does not cure or prevent anything, it is just good for your body and immunity and reduces several symptoms improving your metabolism. The ingredients have been carefully selected to optimize results and mixed in the ideal portions to offer a great taste, no bitterness and great reliability.


  • Astragalus
  • Cat’s Clay
  • Licorice root
  • Lemon Balm
  • Elderberry
  • Olive Leaf
  • Red Clover
  • Cilantro
  • Ascorbic Acid ( Vitamin C)
  • Chlorella
  • Pine Bark
  • Bilberry Leaf
  • Nettle Leaf
  • Echinacea
  • Parsley
  • Honey granules
  • Pollen
  • Ginger
  • Immature Bitter Orange
  • Llujta leaves.
  • Coca leaves flakes and powder
  • Cloves

Astragalus is used in Chinese medicine to enhance the immune system and fight infections.  It is known to have anti-viral properties.  Cat’s claw reduces virus and cofactors such as strep A & B.  Licorice root lowers virus production and strengthens the adrenals and kidneys.  Lemon Balm has antiviral and antibacterial.  It kills virus cells and strengthens the immune system.  Elderberry has antiviral properties and strengthens the immune system.  Olive Leaf can destroy these pathogens by interfering with their ability to replicate and spread.  Red Clover cleanses the liver, lymphatic system, and spleen of neurotoxins from viruses.  Cilantro removes heavy metals such as mercury and lead, which are favored foods of viruses.  Parsley removes high levels of copper and aluminum, which feed several viruses. Nettle provides vital micronutrients to the brain, blood, and central nervous system. Bilberry is antiviral; it strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C helps your immune system and coca which is an antagonist drug that opens the channels in neurons to favor a faster absorption and reaction of other ingredients and it is full of vitamins, minerals and the alertness you need to keep going. This tea also contains Honey granules and pollen which activate the immune system’s response and, ginger which has anti-inflammatory effects and may be able to help with muscle pain. Immature Bitter Orange Fruit supports digestive health benefits the circulatory system and boosts the immune system. Llujta leaves are very high alkalizer, if you have used coca with these leaves, you know how good they are providing a mild sweet taste and making coca more effective.Cloves support liver health and help stabilize blood sugar levels

All ingredients are organically sourced from the USA ( except coca)  and as you already know our products have great quality control and effectiveness.

We also have the same formulation without coca for night use which has some extra valerian to help you sleep well and reduces modern-day anxiety.


Boil water and keep it aside. You then have three brewing options to release your herbal tea’s benefits —

  1. Place your loose leaf tea into your metal ball strainer (or similar), put it in your cup, and pour water over it wait 5 minutes, stir and drink
  2. Place your immunity tea directly in the saucepan or kettle and swirl gently*

*With this last method, remember you will need to strain your tea using a metal kitchen strainer before drinking.

After you put your tea in, make sure you cover your cup or pan with a lid or plate while your tea is brewing. This ensures that your tea’s essential oils don’t escape along with the steam — plus it keeps it warm while you wait!

No need for sugar, the tea is naturally sweetened with the honey in powder ( it has a good amount) and Llujta leaves. You can add a bit of lime juice to taste and it’s ready to go!

You can also brew this tea in hot milk and strain the herbs before drinking.

The remaining herbs after brewing can be added to a smoothie or use then in a blender with orange juice. Every ingredient is really good and the formula is balanced to give you a pleasant flavor without any additives, processed sugars or any chemicals