
New Macerated Novogratense crushed Leaf and Tincture

(1 customer review)


This is a unique product because includes a very large amount of leaves per container:


34 fluid oz container has 100 grams of dry whole leaf coca total weight of 550 grams.

16 fluid oz container has 50 grams of dry whole leaf coca total weight of 300 grams. 

 8 fluid oz container has 25 grams of dry whole leaf coca total weight of 150 grams.



A great alternative for your coca needs. 

Full alkaloids, crushed coca leaves macerated in Bolivian Singani under traditional methods plus the activators needed to release the best of this wonderful plant. 

You can chew the leaves, create a tea with them, add them to any shake or smoothie and as a plus, you get a strong coca tincture full of alkaloids that can be used as a potent tonic for energy, pain, lack of oxygen in blood, diet, appetite suppressant with a full spectrum of natural vitamins and minerals present in coca . You just need a few drops of the resulting tincture to get incredible benefits, the tincture is ideal to infuse foods with – simply add the desired amount into your dish of choice.

However, when it comes to tinctures, besides being very expensive in its pure form, not everyone wants to consume alcohol. If you are sensitive, even a few drops of high proof liquor can actually be felt having an effect. If alcohol is not for you, you can slowly simmer the contents till alcohol evaporates and all properties will remain intact. 

This is a unique product because includes a very large amount of leaves per container:


34 fluid oz container has 160 grams of dry whole leaf coca total weight of 550 grams.

16 fluid oz container has 75 grams of dry whole leaf coca total weight of 300 grams. 

 8 fluid oz container has 35 grams of dry whole leaf coca total weight of 150 grams.


When making tinctures, alcohol is the standard solvent used and we have decided to use the most traditional licor from Bolivia ” Singani”  . Why? Because alcohol is very efficient at extracting alkaloids, making it possible to produce a highly potent tincture and the singani flavor is pure and clean which helps to feel the numbing stronger.  Plus, ethanol aids the speed of absorption, which means the effects can be felt almost instantly.

The tincture is ideal to infuse foods with – simply add the desired amount into your dish of choice.

Additional information

Fluid Onces

34, 16, 8

1 review for New Macerated Novogratense crushed Leaf and Tincture

  1. Leora

    Pretty nice and wished to say that I have really enjoyed

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