“My Coca Diaries” is an eye-opening exploration into the hidden world of the coca plant—one of the most misunderstood and controversial plants in modern history. This book seeks to separate the myths from the realities surrounding coca, highlighting its profound historical and cultural significance while uncovering its extraordinary health benefits. For centuries, the indigenous peoples of the Andes have revered coca leaves for their medicinal properties, using them to combat ailments such as altitude sickness, pain, and digestive issues. Yet, the modern world has largely focused on coca’s association with cocaine, obscuring its potential as a natural remedy and wellness solution.
The book provides a deep dive into the various strains of coca, their botanical characteristics, and the traditional uses that have persisted over millennia. It reveals the plant’s potent anti-aging properties, skin benefits, and its role in modern health treatments, from diabetes management to cancer support. Backed by personal accounts, research, and customer feedback, “My Coca Diaries” presents a compelling case for the plant’s efficacy in enhancing vitality, boosting energy, and promoting overall well-being. The author, Carol Blenda Ilievski, brings two decades of experience in the coca industry, combining personal anecdotes, scientific insights, and a unique business perspective as she shares her journey in developing over 400 coca-based products.
This book also tackles the challenges and complexities of industrializing coca, particularly in regions like Bolivia, where legal, cultural, and environmental factors play a significant role in shaping its production. It explores the ongoing efforts to create sustainable and legal coca products while navigating the stringent international drug control regulations that govern the plant’s cultivation and commercialization. Through these lenses, “My Coca Diaries” offers a comprehensive guide not only to the coca plant’s health benefits but also to the broader socio-economic implications of coca in the modern world.
By blending ancient traditions with modern innovation, this book invites readers to rediscover the sacred coca leaf as a symbol of health, resilience, and cultural heritage, while challenging the dominant narratives that have obscured its true potential. Whether you are interested in herbal medicine, sustainable agriculture, or the intersection of tradition and innovation, “My Coca Diaries” provides a thought-provoking and informative journey into the world of coca and its place in both history and the future of wellness.